Chess: Invasion Force

This is a chess game that takes inspiration from Into the Breach. Your King and Pawns are objectives for you to protect, but you may not control them. Use your Knight, Rook, and Bishop to defend White's King from the invading Black chess pieces! More enemies will spawn every 3 turns, see if you can survive against them for 10 rounds and win!

**Note: after placing your pieces, black will get the first move, however it will not capture a piece on its first turn. After that, black will try to capture pieces as it gets the opportunity.

This game was developed as a programming exercise and learning experience for myself, but if you get a little enjoyment out of it, then that's great!

If anyone sees this and is curious, the AI is controlled by a machine learning algorithm called a minimax tree. It works decently, the big issue is that even with a small number of pieces in the game, the number of available moves is huge, so every turn ahead the game looks grows the processing time exponentially. As a result, the AI can only think 3 or 4 turns ahead at any given time, as any more would mean waiting several minutes in between turns.

Game by Noah Sims

Low Poly Chess Pack by Broken Vector


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very nice!